How to Prevent Cached Responses with Astro on Vercel?
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How to Prevent Cached Responses with Astro on Vercel?

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Are you tired of serving stale content to your users? Do you want to ensure that your Astro-powered website on Vercel always serves the latest and greatest version of your pages? Then you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of caching and explore the best practices to prevent cached responses with Astro on Vercel.

What is caching, and why is it a problem?

Caching is a mechanism that allows browsers and CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to store frequently accessed resources, such as HTML pages, images, and JavaScript files. This can significantly improve the performance of your website by reducing the number of requests made to your server. However, caching can also lead to issues when you update your content, and users continue to receive the old version.

Imagine you’ve updated your website with new information, but your users are still seeing the old content. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re dealing with time-sensitive information or critical updates. That’s where cache headers come in.

Understanding Cache Headers

  • CACHE-CONTROL: This header specifies the caching behavior for the resource. It can be set to public, private, or no-cache.
  • EXPIRES: This header specifies the expiration date and time for the resource.
  • : This header specifies the last modified date and time for the resource.
  • ETAG: This header specifies the entity tag for the resource, which can be used to validate the cache.

Astro and Caching

Astro, being a modern web framework, comes with built-in support for caching. By default, Astro sets the CACHE-CONTROL header to public, max-age=31536000, which means that resources can be cached by browsers and CDNs for up to one year. While this is great for performance, it can lead to issues when you need to update your content.

Preventing Cached Responses with Astro on Vercel

Method 1: Disable Caching in Astro

You can disable caching in Astro by setting the CACHE-CONTROL header to no-cache or private. This can be done by adding the following code to your Astro configuration file (astro.config.js):

export default {
  // ...
  render: {
    cache: {
      enabled: false,

This will instruct Astro to set the CACHE-CONTROL header to no-cache, which will prevent browsers and CDNs from caching your resources.

Method 2: Use Cache Headers in Vercel

Vercel provides a built-in mechanism to control caching through cache headers. You can specify cache headers in your Vercel configuration file (vercel.json):

  "version": 2,
  "routes": [
      "src": "/(.*)",
      "headers": {
        " Cache-Control": "no-cache, max-age=0"

This will set the CACHE-CONTROL header to no-cache, max-age=0, which will prevent caching and ensure that users always receive the latest version of your pages.

Method 3: Use Etags and Last-Modified Headers

Another approach is to use Etags and Last-Modified headers to validate the cache. Etags are unique identifiers for each resource, and Last-Modified headers specify the last modified date and time for the resource. By setting these headers, you can instruct browsers and CDNs to revalidate the cache on each request.

In Astro, you can set Etags and Last-Modified headers by using the setHeaders function:

export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }) {
  // ...

    etag: crypto.createHash('sha256').update(JSON.stringify(data)).digest('hex'),
    'Last-Modified': new Date().toUTCString(),

  return {
    props: {},

This will set the Etag and Last-Modified headers for the response, which will allow browsers and CDNs to revalidate the cache on each request.

Method 4: Use Query Parameters

Another approach is to use query parameters to bust the cache. By adding a unique query parameter to each request, you can ensure that browsers and CDNs treat each request as a new resource.

In Astro, you can add query parameters to your routes by using the route function:

export async function getServerSideProps({ req, res }) {
  // ...

  return {
    props: {},
    route: {
      query: {
        cacheBust: new Date().getTime(),

This will add a cacheBust query parameter to each request, which will ensure that browsers and CDNs treat each request as a new resource.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of caching and cache headers in Astro and Vercel. We’ve discussed the importance of preventing cached responses and provided four methods to achieve this: disabling caching in Astro, using cache headers in Vercel, using Etags and Last-Modified headers, and using query parameters.

By following these methods, you can ensure that your Astro-powered website on Vercel always serves the latest and greatest version of your pages. Remember, caching is a powerful tool, but it requires careful consideration to avoid serving stale content to your users.

Best Practices

To ensure that you’re getting the most out of caching and preventing cached responses, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use cache headers judiciously: Set cache headers only when necessary, and ensure that you’re not caching sensitive or dynamic content.
  • Use Etags and Last-Modified headers: These headers can help you validate the cache and ensure that users receive the latest version of your pages.
  • Use query parameters carefully: Query parameters can be used to bust the cache, but be careful not to abuse them, as they can impact performance.
  • Test your caching setup: Ensure that your caching setup is working as expected by testing it thoroughly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the default caching behavior in Astro? The default caching behavior in Astro is to set the CACHE-CONTROL header to public, max-age=31536000, which means that resources can be cached by browsers and CDNs for up to one year.
How can I disable caching in Astro? You can disable caching in Astro by setting the CACHE-CONTROL header to no-cache or private in your Astro configuration file (astro.config.js).
What is the purpose of Etags and Last-Modified headers? Etags and Last-Modified headers are used to validate the cache and ensure that users receive the latest version of your pages.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide on how to prevent cached responses with Astro on Vercel. By following these best practices and methods, you can ensure that your website always serves the latest and greatest version of your pages.

Note: The word count of this article is 1061 words.Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to prevent cached responses with Astro on Vercel?” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of your Astro project on Vercel by preventing cached responses. Here are the answers to your most pressing questions!

Why do I need to prevent cached responses on Vercel?

By default, Vercel caches responses to improve page load times. However, this can lead to stale data being served to users. Preventing cached responses ensures that users always receive the latest version of your site.

How do I prevent caching in Astro?

In your `astro.config.js` file, set `cacheControl: ‘no-cache’` or `cacheControl: ‘private, no-cache’` to prevent caching. This tells Vercel not to cache responses from your Astro site.

What if I want to cache certain resources, but not others?

You can use Astro’s built-in caching control to specify cache settings for individual resources. For example, you can set `cacheControl: ‘public, max-age=31536000’` for static assets like images, while keeping `cacheControl: ‘no-cache’` for dynamic content.

Will preventing cached responses slow down my site?

While preventing cached responses can lead to slightly slower page loads, the impact is usually minimal. You can mitigate this by using other performance optimization techniques, such as code splitting, lazy loading, and image compression.

How do I verify that caching is disabled on Vercel?

Check the response headers in your browser’s developer tools or using a tool like `curl`. Look for the `Cache-Control` header, which should be set to `no-cache` or `private, no-cache` if caching is disabled.

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